The Ugly Truth About Nootropics (& the Journey to Formulating a Nootropic Stack That Works)

The Ugly Truth About Nootropics (& the Journey to Formulating a Nootropic Stack That Works)

Nootropics are awesome! Who doesn’t want a sharper mind, that can focus for long hours with ease, and smash productivity records?

Entrepreneurs, developers, racing drivers, traders, all kinds of professionals, students... you name it - we all want this.

Let’s be real though… Many nootropic supplements make big promises, but beneath the glossy veneer of these so-called 'smart drugs' lies an uncomfortable truth: most “nootropics” are useless!

If you want to learn why and what actually works, read on…


Why your nootropic experience (probably) sucks


1. Ineffective Ingredients/Combinations/Dosages

Here’s the deal, if you’re reading this article you are probably not the type of person that’s going to fall for dog sh*t ingredients that have 0 evidence for their claimed benefits, though truthfully the market is full of such products.

It gets a little trickier when you get to synergies, but the biggest scam of all is in the doses… almost no supplement stacks have adequate doses. It’s not just because of cost either - most brands use caps, so you have to either have a dozen caps a dose or underdose (or read on for a more effective way).


2. You’re sold “nootropics” but get stimulants

Stimulants like caffeine can give a temporary boost in alertness and concentration, and commonly the real reason they’re added to a nootropic stack is so that the customer “feels an effect” from the otherwise useless supplement they’ve been sold.

However, they do not offer any true cognitive enhancements as genuine nootropic substances, and are not suitable for the people who experience jitteriness, anxiety and disrupted sleep patterns from stimulants.


3. Poor ingredient & product quality

Unfortunately the market for nootropics, like for any other type of supplement, is plagued with low-grade, impure and untested ingredients being put together into a product using questionable manufacturing processes, usually in the name of one sole thing - low cost of production.

What's the solution?


3 years ago, we asked exactly the same question, but the answer was -there wasn't a good one back then. Thankfully, we had an ace up our sleeve - decades of experience in supplements and amazing research and manufacturing partners.

I’ll spare you all the details of dealing with suppliers, examining raw ingredients, etc. The point is - we could ensure the highest quality ourselves, so we just had to figure out the ingredients… and we’d have the ultimate nootropic stack, one that actually works, one that we’d use consistently, and one that is remarkably effective for the vast majority of people (spoiler alert: that’s hard!)

Boy, we didn't think it'd take 3 years and an international team, spanning from the US to Europe, but after countless hours of R&D, we solved all major issues:


1. The Sheer Amount of Ingredients for a Dose

Truthfully, it’s not like we’re not used to capsules, but nobody liked swallowing 15 caps for a dose. It’s not ideal for the gut either. But we had to either compromise on ingredients/doses or deal with dozens of caps.

Or… make it liquid! Well, we chose the latter and did run into some other issues, like most ingredients being horrendously bitter, but magicians on the team managed to solve. that too. What’s important - we did not compromise either effectiveness or experience, in fact, we improved both!


2. Synergies

This probably took the most amount testing. For example, on the surface Alpha-GPC and Citicoline work the same way - as a choline source, boosting acetylcholine. Delving deeper, they have a different mechanism and work best together. In what amounts - only testing could tell.

Another fine tune was the balance of making one calm & alert, go too much in one direction, and productivity will suffer. Again, we nailed this one in the end.


3. The Ingredients Themselves

Finally, the one problem which started all - what works and how much of it.

To answer this, we’ve literally gone through all the research we could get our hands on, I’m talking about thousands of studies, and we’ve done a bunch of testing and experimentation ourselves, and combined the wisdom of medical and science professionals.

If delving deeper would bore you - feel free to just check out the end result HERE, the reviews would speak enough about the effectiveness.

All you need to know is that NeuroShot™ is absolutely the best brain enhancing supplement there is. If improving focus, memory, cognition, mood, eye fatigue and ultimately, your productivity, is meaningful to you, it is the way to go.

If you tend to be a bit more inquisitive than that, let’s delve into the effects and mechanisms of our chosen ingredients, as well of our dosage rationale, explained in simple words, and some of the easier to interpret supporting studies:


NeuroShot™ v2.0:

1) Citicoline (1,000mg) (as CDP Choline):

  • Effect: Citicoline enhances memory, focus, and overall cognitive function.
  • How it Works: Once digested citicoline separates into choline and cytidine. Providing necessary building blocks for acetylcholine synthesis, Citicoline increases dopamine receptor densities and optimizes neurotransmitter release. The cytidine is later converted to uridine, which helps repair the brain cell membranes, ensuring the neurons stay intact.
  • Why 1,000mg: We chose this dosage to offer ample support for acetylcholine production and cognitive processes.
  • Study: Citicoline for Supporting Memory in Aging Humans - PMC (

2) Alpha GPC 700mg (as L-Alpha-Glycerylphosphorylcholine):

  • Effect: Alpha GPC supports cognitive function, memory, and learning.
  • How it Works: When the brain runs low on choline it starts to break down phosphatidylcholine (PC) from the cell membranes and turns it into Alpha GPC. This is what makes Alpha GPC supplementations special - you provide the brain with the exact form of choline it’s seeking. By increasing acetylcholine levels in the brain, Alpha GPC provides a crucial precursor for cognitive processes, while also preventing your brain from destroying its own membranes.
  • Why 700mg: This dosage ensures sufficient bioavailability of choline, vital for optimal neurotransmitter function.
  • Study: Evaluation of the effects of two doses of alpha glycerylphosphorylcholine on physical and psychomotor performance - PMC (

3) Pine Bark (70% pycnogenol) 100mg:

4) N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine (NALT) 500mg:

  • Effect: N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine supports stress response and cognitive performance.
  • How it Works: Once it gets to your kidneys NALT is converted to regular L-Tyrosine, so in theory they should have the same benefits, but NALT is more soluble making it more bioavailable. Once inside the brain L-Tyrosine is converted to L-DOPA which is used to synthesize catecholamines (dopamine, norepinephrine and epinephrine).  N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine aids in maintaining cognitive function under stress.
  • Why 500mg: We chose this dosage to strike a balance, providing effective support without overstimulation.
  • StudyNeuro-Cognitive Effects of Acute Tyrosine Administration on Reactive and Proactive Response Inhibition in Healthy Older Adults - PMC (

5) Bacopa Monnieri 400mg:

  • Effect: Bacopa Monnieri enhances memory and cognitive function.
  • How it WorksSupporting acetylcholine release and reducing oxidative stress, Bacopa Monnieri enhances neural plasticity. It also contains powerful compounds called bacosides A and B, which improve the signaling of electrical impulses, help repair damaged neurons, and regulate stress related enzymes. Study shows this powerful plant has health benefits in the field of anti-cancer and neurodegenerative diseases treatment, as well.
  • Why 400mg: This dosage is optimized to provide effective cognitive support and adaptogenic properties.
  • Study: Pharmacological attributes of Bacopa monnieri extract: Current updates and clinical manifestation - PMC (

6) Magnesium L-Threonate 300mg:

  • Effect: Magnesium L-Threonate enhances synaptic density and plasticity.
  • How it Works: Unlike other forms of magnesium, Magnesium L-Threonate has the unique ability to cross the blood-brain barrier. Increasing magnesium levels in the brain supports long-term potentiation and memory consolidation. L-threonate represses the glycoprotein dickkopf-1 (Dkk-1) via alkaline phosphatase activity; releasing ascorbic acid into the cell. Magnesium is also vital for Neuroplasticity (the formation of neural connections) and ATP synthesis. 20% of your body's ATP is located in the brain and for it to be biologically active it needs to be bound to a magnesium ion to form Mg-ATP.
  • Why 300mg: This dosage ensures optimal magnesium levels for synaptic health and cognitive function.
  • Study: A Magtein®, Magnesium L-Threonate, -Based Formula Improves Brain Cognitive Functions in Healthy Chinese Adults - PMC (

7) Beta Alanine (2,000mg):

8) L-Theanine 150mg:

9) Lutein 10mg / 10) Zeaxanthine 2mg:

11) Vitamin B6 (as P5P) 25mg /
12) Vitamin B9 (as L-Methylfolate) 400mcg /
13) Vitamin B12 (as Methylcobalamine) 500mcg:

  • Effect: This trio balances homocysteine levels, supporting cognitive health.
  • How it Works: Each of these vitamins has its own benefits, but all 3 of them share a specific purpose - converting homocysteine into essential compounds, which promote neural well-being. The breakdown of homocysteine and its impact on focus and cognition is intricately tied to the homocysteine-methionine cycle, a biochemical pathway crucial for maintaining optimal neurological function. The forms in which we chose to include these vitamins are the easiest for the body to utilize. P5P is the bioactive coenzyme form of vitamin B6 and doesn’t require metabolic conversions before it can be used (unlike regular B6). The methylfolate and methylcobalamin also bypass all conversions needed, but what makes their case even more special is the fact that, according to some studies, up to 60% of people have a mutation of the MTHFR gene, which reduces the vital vitamin B9 and B12 methylation effectiveness anywhere from 30%-70%.
  • Why 25mg / 400mcg / 500mcg: These dosages are carefully chosen to maintain homocysteine balance for optimal cognitive function.
  • Study: Effect of Vitamin B6, B9, and B12 Supplementation on Homocysteine Level and Cardiovascular Outcomes in Stroke Patients: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials - PMC (


The journey towards NeuroShot™ brought together scientific expertise, international collaboration, and community testing, in a relentless pursuit for cognitive enhancement. Our commitment to meticulous ingredient selection, dosage optimisation, and synergy lays a robust foundation for the cognitive benefits of our product, and the journey is far from over - we'll continue to stay on the edge of innovation, so stay tuned!

P.s. If you got this far, you should definitely try NeuroShot™

Other resources & studies:

Andrew Huberman's take on Alpha GPC: Andrew D. Huberman, Ph.D. on X: "Pharmacology & Focus: I take 300mg of Alpha-GPC 3-5X a week (usually with an espresso) before doing deep work. I started a while ago b/c a (Nobel Prize winning) colleague told me he uses nicotine gum 3-4X/day (?!) to enhance his focus. Alpha-GPC is a milder nicotinic agent." / X ( (our product has 700mg of Alpha GPC)

1. Neuropharmacological Review of the Nootropic Herb Bacopa monnieri (

2. Effects of High-Dose, Short-Duration β-Alanine Supplementation on Cognitive Function, Mood, and Circulating Brain-Derived Neurotropic Factor (BDNF) in Recreationally-Active Males Before Simulated Military Operational Stress - PubMed (

.Citicoline Improves Human Vigilance and Visual Working Memory: The Role of Neuronal Activation and Oxidative Stress - PMC (

4. Alpha-Glycerylphosphorylcholine Increases Motivation in Healthy Volunteers: A Single-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Human Study - PMC (

5. Acute Effect of a Dietary Multi-Ingredient Nootropic as a Cognitive Enhancer in Young Healthy Adults: A Randomized, Triple-Blinded, Placebo-Controlled, Crossover Trial - PMC (

6. Effects of l-Theanine on Cognitive Function in Middle-Aged and Older Subjects: A Randomized Placebo-Controlled Study - PMC (

7. Therapeutical approach to plasma homocysteine and cardiovascular risk reduction - PMC (

8. The Neurocognitive Effects of Bacopa monnieri and Cognitive Training on Markers of Brain Microstructure in Healthy Older Adults - PMC (

9. Effect of tyrosine supplementation on clinical and healthy populations under stress or cognitive demands--A review - PubMed (

0. Effects of a Lutein and Zeaxanthin Intervention on Cognitive Function: A Randomized, Double-Masked, Placebo-Controlled Trial of Younger Healthy Adults - PMC (

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